I see a lot of people asking for guidance on what they can do right now to help our current situation. Tell your friends!
Now, if you’re happy with they way things are, there isn’t anything for you to do, but you would be in the minority.
If you’re like me and you’re simply not liking much of anything that is happening, you may be motivated to do something, but you not know what to do.
It’s normal to feel that way in these very uncertain times. Can you post your thoughts on social media? You may get censored!
Can you talk about sensitive issues with your family, friends, neighbors, and associates? You may be feeling fearful about bringing up such topics, so you remain silent.
We’re living in a time where being silent is no longer an option. At the risk of being cancelled, offended, and in some cases, even attacked, it’s not a time for us to remain silent. They are counting on us not speaking up because that is how we will ultimately turn things around.
In this episode of my podcast, which I’ve completely dedicated to current events, I’ll share some of things you can do right now.. even if you can’t get the word out on social media.

Watch or Listen to this episode now:
The post Tell Your Friends appeared first on Robert Imbriale.